︎art grows roots︎art heals roots︎art soothes roots︎art untangles roots︎art cuts roots︎art reveals roots︎art nourishes roots︎art transforms roots︎art celebrates roots︎art shocks roots︎art touches roots︎art strengthens roots︎art honours roots︎art connects roots ︎art reclaims roots
Mirai Nemoto Nilsson ︎ Artist ︎ m.nemotonilsson@gmail.com ︎ Gothenburg (SE)
Rhythm of the Unknown is a performative collage and film realised from a design and artistic project An Inquiry into the Act of Collaging. Through a conceptual understanding of collage as a methodology, the film is a response to the fear of the unknown and emotional uncertainty in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this emotionally charged performance, the work explores automatic drawing to visualise the emotional landscape of fears and anxieties experienced by young people. Based on a conducted online survey of people’s fears and anxiety triggers, the data was fed into an AI machine-learning program to generate an output script. The generated output script revealed the machine’s ability to interpret the human pandemic experience as a sequence of turblent emotions. The wider aim of this project is to propose collage as a critical design practice that promotes finding interconnectedness in the broken social fabrics of complex phenomenons, situations and experiences.
Work performed at Galleri Monitor & Rotor 2, Gothenburg, March 2021.